Beyond Genre: Embracing Diversity in Music as ‘The Lofi Guy’
Pooria, also known as Pozx (Pooria On Zodiac’s Expansion), is a 25-year-old Iranian singer, songwriter, and musician based in Tehran. Most Iranian music enthusiasts recognize him for his involvement in the lo-fi genre, and his choice of the username 'The Lo-Fi Guy' on Instagram has reinforced this perception. His distinctive lyrical style, which deviates from…
In Conversation with Niousha Noor: Can the Quintessentially Iranian Cycle of Intergenerational Trauma Be Broken?
At the heart of The Persian Version, an American comedy-drama directed by Maryam Keshavarz, lies a message about cultural identity and family relationships. The Sundance award-winning film is loosely based on the director’s life, who grew up in the United States, and was recently released in Europe—perhaps intentionally or by pure coincidence—at the beginning of…
Ali Mahini’s Lens on Society’s Hidden Realities
“Irooni Boodan (being Iranian)” is a timeless and spaceless mindset and a place that displays the set of behaviors of Iranian people. These behaviors, which have no meaning for a first world, make our identity. Ali Mahini, the young photographer of generation Z, uses the curiosity and arrogance of his generation, to dig into the…

Aliyar Rasti “The Great Yawn of History” Receives Special Jury Award At The Berlin Film Festival

Iranian filmmaker Aliyar Rasti achieved a significant milestone with the debut of his first feature-length movie, “The Great Yawn of History ”. The movie’s captivating narrative earned the Special Jury Award in the competitive Encounters section of the Berlin Film Festival. This marks a notable achievement for Rasti, highlighting his emergence as a notable figure in Iranian cinema. 

Starring Mohammad Aghebati and Amirhossein Hosseini,”The Great Yawn of History” tells the story of a religious man named Beitollah, who dreams of discovering a box of gold coins hidden at the end of a cave. Beitollah views the coins as a miracle and wants to find them. However, he doesn’t consider the coins to be halal and therefore recruits non-religious Shoja to accompany him on the search. Rasti, as the writer, producer and director of the movie, showcased his remarkable talent and creative vision on the global stage, adding to the landscape of Iranian cinema. 

Categories: Film
Aryana Davani: