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Ashna: A 17-Year-Old Rapper And A Fresh Face In Persian Rap

Not long ago, a short video of a 17-year-old rapper named “Ashna” performing live quickly became one of the most talked-about topics in Iranian society within a few hours of being shared on Instagram. The video features Ashna dissing his ex-girlfriend and revealing details of his failed relationship with amazing and admirable rapping skills, embodying the mischievousness and playfulness of a teenager. Due to the incredible reception from Iranian music listeners and the support of well-known Persian rappers and other artistic figures, he swiftly released new videos in a similar simple format, covering personal themes like “His Mother’s Illness,” “Appreciation for Fans,” “Father’s Day,” etc., all met with significant acclaim. This demonstrated that Ashna’s success was not a mere coincidence, unlike many other viral subjects on social media.

Despite Ashna’s mastery in selecting and applying various techniques in his performances, unquestionably, his key to success lies beyond the realm of music: It’s in his “honesty in expressing weaknesses and failures in his personal life.” Ashna fearlessly places himself in a position of vulnerability in front of millions of viewers — a commendable feat for a 17-year-old. In contrast to the prevailing current patterns of Persian rap, where artists often present a flawless and superheroic version of themselves, Ashna has chosen a different path to play a role in this music scene.

Another remarkable aspect of his performances is his unparalleled ability to “entertain” the audience and his special attention to the issue of “humor” that is evident both in his lyrics and his performance style. In terms of musical structure, he has transformed himself into one of Iranian rap’s most talented live performers with extraordinary and frequent diversity in flow and delivery.

Ashna doesn’t rely on complex tools and facilities to achieve his goals and gain millions of views. Whether in a park, on the street, in a car, on the metro, on a basketball court, or even in his bedroom, he conveys his message to his audience in the simplest and most colloquial language possible, ultimately achieving finesse and simplicity in his objective. In this way, with his extraordinary ability, he can captivate any viewer, even those with no interest in this music genre.

Categories: Music
Tags: AshnaMusic
Hossein Filizadeh:
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