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Ali Mahini’s Lens on Society’s Hidden Realities
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Dorcci And Kagan Have Returned With A New Synthwave Song “Before You Gone”

Undoubtedly, Dorcci is considered one of the most prominent figures in contemporary Persian rap. Through his unique style, he has opened a new and completely different door to Persian rap, quickly turning into one of the most popular Iranian rappers.

The willingness of prominent Persian rappers to collaborate with him, the considerable number of streams of his music on platforms like Spotify and SoundCloud, and his presence at the top of the news in Persian rap media clearly confirm this claim. Dorcci has many successful collaborations with well-known artists such as Poobon, Putak, Sinazza, and Chvrsi.

Without a doubt, his most successful work to date has been “Damn Things,” which quickly became one of the most important and widely viewed recent works of Persian rap. Due to its content, it went beyond the realm of Persian rap and became one of the most important and trending topics on social media through the creation of countless memes from a part of its music video.

This quickly drew more attention to him, and his audience and fans eagerly awaited the release of another work from him. The release of a successful work, to the extent of “Damn Things,” greatly increases the expectations of all audiences for the quality level of his next work, and this can be a significant challenge for any artist.

After six months of silence, finally, today a new track by Dorcci called “Before You Gone” was released, composed by Ashkan Kagan along with a music video.

While many new-generation rappers stick to a specific musical style in all their works, the variety of styles that Dorcci has shown in his works so far is one of the most important factors in becoming an exceptional figure in Persian rap who is always challenging himself and determined to continue this adventure. In the track “Before You Gone,” we once again witness a completely different and unique style from him.

Categories: Music
Hossein Filizadeh:
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