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Ali Mahini’s Lens on Society’s Hidden Realities
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Hiphopologist And Vinak Drop New Album “Peymod Be Shemroon”

Belaad” is on fire!

These days, it seems like “Belaad” has no intention of stopping under any circumstances. While it appeared that another single track from Hiphopologist and Vinak was set to be released just two days after the song “Belaad,” without any prior announcement, their collaborative album titled “Peymod Be Shemroon” with eight tracks and production by Ashkan Kagan was released on February 6. The only guest artist on this album was “Heliyom,” and the absence of “Sinazza,” another member of “Belaad,” in any of the songs was a noteworthy point.

Hiphopologist and Vinak, who individually released successful albums “Noskhe,” “Leak Shit,” and “El Goat” in 2023, presented a completely different, powerful, creative, and significantly more refined image in the album “Peymod Be Shemroon.” Overall, what has been displayed in the short time since the establishment of the“Belaad” indicates a clear sign of the formation of a new and formidable force in the Persian rap scene. Perhaps it’s been a long time since we’ve seen such coordination and mutual understanding between Hiphopologist and Vinak in any recent collaborations among Iranian rappers. This is important because these two rappers had not collaborated on any songs together before.

The exciting and tumultuous atmosphere that has fully embraced Persian rap in recent times is noticeably influenced by the formation of “Belaad” and the concerted efforts of many rappers to intentionally confront them through various means. Therefore, the three main contenders in this all-out competition in Persian rap are “Belaad,” ZadoBand,” and “Moltafet.” However, except for “Belaad,” in the other two labels, there is a distinct observable difference in the abilities of their rappers. Theoretically, this gives “Belaad” a better chance of winning in this competition. Hence, it seems that other rappers, despite their strong desire to participate in this competition, may have absolutely no place to play a role in this game.

Categories: Music
Hossein Filizadeh:
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