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“Ma France à Moi” Official Trailer Featuring Yas’s “Mosafer”

The song “Mosafer(Passenger)” by Iranian Rapper Yas which was released 8 years ago, has been used in the trailer of the film “Ma France à moi,” directed by Benoit Cohen.

“ma France à moi” is about an old woman who lives alone in her apartment since the death of her husband. When she hears on the radio that the Jaccueille puts homeless migrants in contact with people who can take them in, she decides, against the advice of her family, led by her son, to take in Reza, a young Afghan broken by war and exodus. This is the story of two worlds that collide, get used to each other and end up reaching out to each other.

Art, especially music and cinema, possesses the capability to impact our lives and foster deep connections among people. “Mosafer” by Yas, through its depiction of migration experiences, showcases this influence and clearly communicates the song’s objectives. The synergy between Persian music and French film exemplifies the beauty of art transcending geographical boundaries and political borders.

Cinema, with its visual and auditory elements, can narrate stories and convey ideas, exerting a more profound influence on the understanding and introspection of the audience. “Ma France a Moi,” accompanied by the music of “Mosafer,” can have a particular impact on the audience’s grasp of migration concepts.

In essence, art, particularly music and cinema, holds the power to influence social, cultural, and identity-related transformations in individuals’ lives. These artistic works can convey cultural values, ideas, and perspectives in an engaging manner, fostering positive connections among individuals and diverse societies. Moreover, they can alter the public perception of various issues and promote mutual understanding processes.

In a period where Iranian cinema and television often use rap music merely for its “cool” factor, French cinema strategically leverages Persian rap, considering the thematic relevance of the work to avoid mere superficial representation.


Photography Courtesy of Marvelous Productions

Categories: Film Music
Tags: FilmMusicYas
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