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Ali Mahini’s Lens on Society’s Hidden Realities
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Bandar-Abbas Based Photographer Mehrdad Mosaferi’s “We Won’t Make It To The Celebration” Photography Collection

The main event, the right situation that can finally bring us to a point of comfort, where is that? Outside the spatial and temporal dimensions, we have always been searching for something whose boundary we have not fully identified yet. All we can rely on is a strong instinct and being abandoned. Mehrdad Mosaferi takes a deeper look at this issue in the collection “We won’t make it to the celebration”.

No matter what our current situation is, there are always moments in which our imagination is caught up in something ideal, a situation, an undefined phenomenon that is good in every way and leads to our progression. But the real truth is that we are never going to reach the top. In every situation, in every place and time, there will be higher peaks to look at. It doesn’t matter which peak you have the honor of conquering, the honor of unconquered peaks is always greater.

In his frames, Mehrdad depicts the remnants of an event, the vague whispers of a party. He knows it as “separation from a main event”. Something important we seem to have missed, a party we didn’t reach and are unhappy about. Because over the years, we have carved a natural tendency towards idealism and perfectionism in our minds. For a traveler, these frames remind much more than a party. Because in the photos, apart from a main event, another life is going on, even though abandoned. A situation full of extinct fragments whose identity is dependent on an obscure event in the past, which have been able to depict a party behind closed doors.

Mehrdad always tries to choose the subjects of his photos from somewhere inside him, right between his life experiences and his way of living, and this is an act of revelation between the external and the personal world.

Categories: Art
Grikor Pourhartoun:
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