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Pouria Bijari’s Daily Life As A Photographer

Daily life is one of the subjects that is studied and discussed from different perspectives in all branches of art. The unimportant objects that people pass by without curiosity are interesting points for the artist. He tries to convey his experience of coming across this subject by using his work. Daily life is the basis of the “Iranian Garden” collection.

Pouria Bijari, the photographer of this collection, tries to depict his visual experience of the two cities where he lives. He took photos of trivial objects like flowers, fruits, etc. in a situation far from their usual form. This defamiliarization erases the original form of things and allows us to look at them from a new angle.

In many photos of this collection, human traces have been erased, We face insignificant objects that we pass by in our daily life. Pouria’s attention to these objects arouses curiosity and broadens one’s horizons.

Photos he takes on his daily walks constitute his geographical memory of his residence and remind his audience of familiar streets and areas.

عضویت در خبرنامه

از آخرین اخبار و اطلاعیه های سایت مطلع گردید

عضویت در خبرنامه

از آخرین اخبار و اطلاعیه های سایت مطلع گردید