In most types of photography, capturing a photo is a process that goes from your mind to the camera. In other words, you are making a frame of your ideas and thoughts. Plus, visual knowledge plays a huge role in this process. Commercial photography not only requires visual knowledge but also needs technical skills such as working with various tools, lighting and studio equipment. In an interview with Hamidreza Parvizi, we entered the world of commercial photography and talked about one of his recent projects called “Rock, Paper, Scissors”.

We are all familiar with this game; It is a small part of our childhood, but this collection is not about this ordinary game, it depicts a story of life. Where we can easily find ourselves in the situation of a piece of paper surrounded by scissors. How can we prevent this from happening? He intends to show us the rotting path, The path that starts from the point where we make decisions based on chance
the burning paper among the scissors reminds us of the importance of thinking before making decisions otherwise we will lose or burn. it is obvious that if we don’t use knowledge, logic, and politics at the right time and place we will destroy ourselves. Having a proper plan is one of the basic principles of survival.

Parvizi also talks about obstacles and difficulties in this field. discovering and learning new techniques has always been a challenge, especially in commercial photography. Participating in workshops and working with professors can help you, but in the end, it is you who contributes the most to your success; this is possible by trial and error.
He also points out that the learner should seek the truth, they should find the latest sources and the most up-to-date information, and try to learn as much as possible. by passing time and gaining experience the results will be better.

Photography Hamidreza Parvizi